SPAN Installation
A SPAN system consists of an OEM7 receiver, an IMU, a GNSS antenna, power and a communication link (if your application requires real time differential operation). The installation process varies based on the OEM7 receiver.
If your IMU enclosure and IMU were supplied separately, additional instructions for installing the IMU into an enclosure are available in the following appendices: HG1700 IMU in Universal Enclosure, LN-200 IMU in Universal Enclosure, HG1700 IMU in SPAN HG Enclosure and LN-200 IMU in SPAN IMU Enclosure.
For information about installing a CPT7 or CPT7700, refer to CPT7 Installation
For information about installing a SMART7-S, refer to SMART7 Installation
Prior to installation of a CPT7 system, please review the following sections: Importance Of Lever Arms Following these guidelines will help deliver the best performance from the system. |