Recalculate Position and Time

If position records are requested when logging data, the Raw GNSS Converter writes them to the GPB file. If no position records are logged, the pre-processing functions will compute a single point C/A only solution during data conversion. This is done in order to plot the unprocessed trajectory to the Map window and, more importantly, is also used to determine whether ionospheric processing should be engaged as the average baseline distance is checked prior to processing.
GNSS ephemeris data is required should the pre-processing functions attempt to recalculate missing position records. If neither position records nor ephemeris data were requested when logging data, no position records are written to the GPB file. If this is the case, recalculating position and clock data for a file can be done using this option. You may be required to load alternate ephemeris data (File | Load Alternate Ephemeris), should this be the reason no position data is present in your original file. See File Menu for more information.