File Menu

The following options are available on the File menu.


Any GPB file can be opened with this feature.


This feature closes the GPB file without exiting from GPBViewer.

Save As

If you are making modifications to a GPB file (such as the static/kinematic flag), this feature can be used to create a copy of your file prior to making any changes. An associated ephemeris file (.epp) will automatically be written when using the Save As feature.

Export to Waypoint Trajectory

This feature saves data from the binary GPB file into a Waypoint trajectory file.

Load Alternate Ephemeris File

The GPB viewer uses ephemeris data to calculate and display satellite elevations at each epoch. If no ephemeris data was decoded, an alternate ephemeris file can be loaded here. Ephemeris data is required when performing certain editing functions within the GPB viewer.

The Download Service Data utility can be used to download and convert GNSS broadcast ephemeris data. See Download Service Data for more information.


Exits the program.