Download Service Data

The Download Service Utility facilitates downloading, converting, and if needed concatenating and resampling of GNSS base station data.
There are currently 22 supported networks, providing access to thousands of publicly available base stations worldwide. Waypoint provides a KML file for all supported networks within the Waypoint Downloads section of the NovAtel website.
The Add Closest tab can be used to search for base station data by providing either a coordinate or a converted GPB file that you wish to process. This function not only reports a list of the nearest stations, but also automatically scans the date, start/end times, path to download the files to and sampling rate of the GPB file.
The download utility can be used not only to quickly retrieve GNSS base station data, but also to download precise ephemeris and clock files, Waypoint TerraStar NRT correction files, additional GNSS broadcast ephemeris data.