
Precise Files
Precise ephemeris and clock data can be downloaded here for GPS-only products, GPS+GLONASS products, or "All GNSS" products. The latter includes precise data for GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou and QZSS. The different sources of precise products will vary in their latency.
Precise ephemeris and clock data are required for PPP processing in order to correct for meter level errors. Precise ephemeris data is optional in differential projects as much of the orbital error is canceled, as the line of sight component of satellite orbital error is correlated with baseline length. Differential projects involving baseline lengths in excess of 150+ km are likely to benefit from the inclusion of precise ephemerides. Generally speaking, it is considered best practice to add precise ephemerides to every project as their inclusion will help compensate for any missing broadcast ephemerides and will only benefit processing results.
Additional Options
Any files selected here are downloaded for the day(s) specified on the Download tab. You can specify any of the correction files listed below for download.
Download GNSS Broadcast Ephemeris
Downloads a GPS and GLONASS global RINEX navigation file for the date specified in the Download tab and converts to Waypoint's EPP file format. Can be used to supplement missing ephemeris data in a project.
Do not delete RINEX files
The Download Utility will automatically delete downloaded RINEX files after conversion to GPB. If you wish to keep the original RINEX data, select this option.
Log messages to disk
When enabled, the tool will save all the messages that appear in the messaging window to a log file on disk. The file will be called "download_messages.log" and will be saved to the folder specified by the "Path to send files to" setting on the Download tab.