Ashtech Real-Time

This decoder converts Thales Real-Time (DG16, G12, or Super C/A) data. The real-time data forms when data is logged externally from the receiver using a custom data logger.
The following describes the options available for this converter:
General Options
Perform pre-processing checks
If enabled, data is scanned after conversion to correct potential issues. See Pre-processing Checks for more information.
Decode MACM messages and ignore others
If both MBN/MCA and MACM records exist, only the MACM will be decoded.
Decode old-style MBN locktime
Some older units (for example, Sensor II) output locktimes with a different resolution. Enable this option to output the locktime value.
Static/Kinematic Mode
This option controls how the static/kinematic flags are set in the final GPB file. Auto will set the entire file static or kinematic according to the detected processing environment.
Parthus MACM Settings
These settings are for logging MACM records:
Decode Parthus style MACM record
Parthus units (NS100, GSU-1, and GSU-2) utilize the MACM record. However, due to timing differences, its implementation is not compatible. Therefore, enable this option.
Data interval adjustment
The GSU-1 benefits greatly by having the correct data interval entered, while the GSU-2 is best processed using the raw time and having the base interpolated onto these times. See Concatenate, Slice and Resample Files for help.
UTC Offset for GLONASS decoding
The following option is available for those users logging GLONASS measurements:
Use the following UTC offset for decoding
Allows you to define your own UTC offset rather than using the nominal or detected value. Important for GLONASS processing.
Alternate Ephemeris
Use alternate ephemeris
Enable this option if ephemeris data is missing (for example, Parthus, GSU-2) to specify an outside EPP file.