Switch Static/Kinematic...

The processing mode (static or kinematic) is determined by the static/kinematic flag decoded to the GPB file. This flag is normally set during decoding, however it can be altered after decoding using this option.
The static/kinematic flag is found in the Position Information section of the GPB Viewer.
Process Mode
Specifies whether the mode is to be set to Static or Kinematic.
Epochs to Convert
Determines which epochs will be switched.
All Epochs
Switches all epochs from the start of the file onwards or from the current location onwards, depending which starting point is specified under Start Location options.
Number of Epochs
Converts the specified number of epochs, subject to the chosen starting point. You can also convert a specific time range that is based on GPS seconds of the week.
Specified Time Range
Converts the specified time range based on GPS seconds of the week.
Time Ranges from File
Inputting start and stop times to a text file is an efficient method of converting multiple ranges of epochs.
When converting from static to kinematic, use the following format: Start(SOW) Start(week) End(SOW) End(week).
When converting from kinematic to static, use: ID Start(SOW) Start(week) End(SOW) End (week) Description.
In both cases, do not write a header to the file.
Start Location
Use in conjunction with All epochs and Specified Epochs, under Epochs to Convert. Determines the starting point of the conversion.