How to Process with the Network Adjustment

  1. After successfully processing all of the baselines within GrafNet, access the network adjustment via Process | Network Adjustment.

    The network adjustment only accepts session data flagged as Good. Other baselines will be ignored unless otherwise specified with the Utilize sessions labeled ‘BAD’ in network adjustment option.

    For the initial run of the network adjustment, the scale factor should be set to 1.0. This will not scale the final standard deviations to match observed session vector residuals. See Variance Factor and Input Scale Factor for more information.

  2. Click the Process button to compute a network adjustment solution. Any errors encountered are displayed.

  3. If there are any “hanging stations”, which are stations that are not attached to the network or are attached by a Bad baseline, the adjustment will fail. It is possible to change the status of the baseline to Good from the Sessions window in Data Manager.

  4. A .net file is created, which can be viewed via Process | View Network Adjustment Results.

    The network adjustment must be re-run if you have reprocessed sessions or changed the station configuration.