Profile Manager

The profile manager allows new profiles to be created or existing profiles to be edited.

When creating a custom processing profile, you must include an Environment and IMU Name. If you are creating a GNSS profile, select N/A for IMU Name. This will ensure that the profile is accessible from the appropriate processing dialogs.

Project/Profile Tools

New from Project

Creates a new profile using the current project's settings.

New from Selected

Creates a copy of the currently selected profile for editing.


Use to edit the profile name and settings.


Deletes the selected profile.

New from DefOpt

Used to convert older profile formats (versions 8.70 and earlier) to the new profile format.

Profile Settings

Differential GNSS

Use to view (if default) or modify the differential settings.


Use to view (if default) or modify the PPP settings.


Use to view (if default) or modify the IMU settings.