Error Strobe Signal

The error strobe signal is one of the I/O strobes. The strobe signal is driven low when the receiver is operating normally. When the receiver is in the error state and tracking is disabled, the error strobe is driven high. This can be caused by a fatal error or by an unusual receiver status indication that the user has promoted to be treated like a fatal error. Once on, the error status remains high until the cause of the error is corrected and the receiver is reset. For more information about the error strobe signal, see OEM729 Strobe Specifications, OEM7600 Strobe Specifications, OEM7700 Strobe Specifications or OEM7720 Strobe Specifications.

An Error Strobe signal is not available on the OEM719, PwrPak7 or CPT7.

When the receiver is in an error state, information about the error is provided in the RXSTATUS log.