OEM729 Strobe Specifications
Strobes |
Input/Output |
Factory Default |
Comment |
Output |
Active high |
Normally low. |
Event1 |
Input Leading edge triggered |
Active low |
An input mark for which a pulse greater than 150 ns triggers certain logs to be generated. (Refer to the MARKPOS and MARK1TIME logs and ONMARK trigger.) Polarity is configurable using the EVENTINCONTROL command. |
Event2 (Mark 2) |
Input Leading edge triggered |
Active low |
An input mark for which a pulse greater than 150 ns triggers certain logs to be generated. (Refer to the MARK2POS and MARK2TIME logs.) Polarity is configurable using the EVENTINCONTROL command. Event2 is the default behavior for pin 7 of connector P1804. The secondary behavior for pin 7 is COM3_Rx. If COM3 is enabled, the Event2 input is disabled. |
Output |
Active low |
A time synchronization output. This is a pulse where the leading edge is synchronized to receiver calculated GNSS Time. The polarity, period and pulse width can be configured using the PPSCONTROL command |
PV (Position Valid) |
Output |
Active high |
Indicates a valid GNSS position solution is available. |
Input |
Active low |
Reset signal input from external system; active low. This pin must be held low for >20 µs while stable power is already applied, to reset the OEM729 card. It is recommended to hold the nRESET_IN pin low for a >150 ms when initially applying power to the card, giving the power supply time to stabilize before the card starts to boot. |
VARF (Variable Frequency) |
Output |
Active low |
A programmable variable frequency output ranging from 0 Hz to 50 MHz (refer to the EVENTOUTCONTROL command) |