Send non-printable characters in hex pairs
Platform: |
OEM719, OEM729, OEM7500, OEM7600, OEM7700, OEM7720, PwrPak7, CPT7, CPT7700, SMART7, SMART2 |
This command is like the SEND command except it is used to send non-printable characters expressed as hexadecimal pairs. Carriage return and line feed characters (for example, 0x0D, 0x0A) will not be appended to the sent data and so must be explicitly added to the data if needed.
Message ID: 178
Abbreviated ASCII Syntax:
SENDHEX [port] length data
Input Example:
SENDHEX COM1 6 143Ab5910D0A
Field |
Field Type |
Binary |
Description |
Format |
Binary Bytes |
Binary Offset |
1 |
Command header |
- |
- |
SENDHEX header This field contains the command name for abbreviated ASCII or the message header for ASCII or Binary. |
- |
H |
0 |
2 |
port |
Output port (default=THISPORT) |
Enum |
4 |
H |
3 |
length |
0 - 700 |
Number of hex pairs |
Ulong |
4 |
H+4 |
4 |
message |
limited to a 700 maximum string (1400 pair hex). Even number of ASCII characters from set of 0-9, A-F. No spaces are allowed between pairs of characters |
Data |
String [max 700] |
Variable1 |
H+8 |