ALIGN Status

The ALIGN tile provides position information about the ALIGN solution.

Two ALIGN capable receivers, or a dual antenna receiver, are required to use ALIGN.


The heading in degrees from true north. (0° to 359.99°)

To the right of the heading value is the standard deviation of the heading in degrees.


The pitch in degrees. (±90)

To the right of the pitch value is the standard deviation of the pitch in degrees.


The baseline length is the distance between the two GNSS antennas in metres.

For ALIGN Heading models with position access, this field is -1.

For ALIGN Heading models without position access, this field is only the decimal portion of the baseline in metres.

For ALIGN Relative Positioning models receiving corrections from a master with a fixed position, this field is -1.

For ALIGN Relative Positioning models receiving corrections from a master in moving baseline mode, this field is the complete baseline length in metres.