Output Settings – Messages

The Messages tab of the Output Settings window shows the logs available in the opened files.

The Messages tab displays the name of each log found in the opened files. Below the name of each log is the number of times that log was found in the opened files.

When the check box beside the log name is selected (), all of the logs with that name will be converted into the new format. When the check box beside the log name is cleared (), none of the logs with that name will be converted into the new format. To select all of the logs in the opened files, select () the Select all message option.

For RANGECMP, RANGECMP2, RANGECMP3 and RANGECMP4 logs, the log can be decompressed into the RANGE log format when the file is converted. To change the compression settings for these logs:

  1. Click the Settings button ().
    The Message Settings box opens.

  2. Select the Yes option to decompress the log into a RANGE log format.

    Select the No option to leave the log in its current compression format.

  3. Click the Apply button.

    The Message Settings box closes and the Decompression setting shown below the log name is updated to the new setting.

For the G-III Reference Receiver, only the following messages are supported:

Single file open

When a single file is open, the Messages tab shows all of the logs found in the file.

When the logs to be converted are selected, click the Next button. The Format tab displays.

Multiple files open

When multiple files are open, the Messages tab can be viewed in All files or Per file view.

To view the Messages tab in All files view, click the All files button.

In All Files view, the Messages tab shows the logs found in all of the files organized by log name. When a log is selected or cleared using the check box beside the log name, the selection applies to all instances of the logs in all of the source files.


To view the Messages tab in Per file view, click the Per file button.

In Per file view, the Messages tab shows the logs found organized by the file in which the log exists. In this view, a specific log name can appear several times on the Messages tab if it is found in more than one file. When a log is selected or cleared using the check box beside the log name, the selection applies only to the logs contained in the file in which the selection is made. This allows a log (for example, BESTPOS) in one file to be converted, while the same log in a different file is not converted.

To select or clear the check boxes for a log in all of the source files, use the Select messages drop menu.

When the logs to be converted are selected, click the Next button. The Format tab displays.


In the Per file view, the RANGE compression and decompression settings can also be set per file. When the compression and decompression settings are set per file, Convert provides a confirmation box to allow you to confirm or cancel the per file setting. If the per file settings are confirmed, the text Set per file is shown below the log name on the Messages tab.

If a message selection or RANGE compression setting is changed in the All files view after a per file setting is made, Convert provides a confirmation box to allow you to confirm or cancel the global setting.