The SPAN specific logs follow the same general logging scheme as normal OEM7 Family logs. They are available in ASCII or binary formats and are defined as being either synchronous or asynchronous. All the logs in this chapter are used only with the SPAN system.
For information on other available logs and output logging, refer to Logs.
One difference from the standard OEM7 Family logs is there are two possible headers for the ASCII and binary versions of the logs. Which header is used for a given log is described in the log definitions in this chapter. The reason for the alternate short headers is that the normal OEM7 binary header is quite long at 28 bytes. This is nearly as long as the data portion of many of the INS logs and creates excess storage and baud rate requirements. Note that the INS related logs contain a time tag within the data block in addition to the time tag in the header. The time tag in the data block should be considered the exact time of applicability of the data. All INS Position, Velocity and Attitude logs can be obtained at a rate of up to 200 Hz. The standard deviation and update logs are available once per second.
Each ASCII log ends with a hexadecimal number preceded by an asterisk and followed by a line termination using the carriage return and line feed characters, for example, *1234ABCD[CR][LF]. This value is a 32-bit CRC of all bytes in the log, excluding the '#’ or ‘%’ identifier and the asterisk preceding the four checksum digits. See also Description of ASCII and Binary Logs with Short Headers.
Table: Inertial Solution Status shows the status values included in the INS position, velocity and attitude output logs. If the IMU is connected properly and a good status value is not being received, check the hardware setup to ensure it is properly connected. This situation can be recognized in the RAWIMU data by observing accelerometer and gyro values which are not changing with time.
Logging Restriction Important Notice Logging excessive amounts of high rate data can overload the system. When configuring the output for SPAN, NovAtel recommends that only one high rate (>50Hz) message be configured for output at a time. It is possible to log more than one message at high rates, but doing so could have negative impacts on the system. Also, if logging 100/125/200/400Hz data, always use the binary format and, if possible, the short header binary format (available on most INS logs). For optimal performance, log only one high rate output at a time. These logs could be:
The periods available when using the ONTIME trigger are 0.005 (200 Hz), 0.01 (100 Hz), 0.02 (50 Hz), 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.25, 0.5, 1, and any integer number of seconds.
Logs with INS or GNSS Data
There are several logs in the system designed to output the best available solution as well as many logs that output only a specific solution type (PSR, RTK, INS, etc). The table below lists the logs that can provide either a GNSS solution or an INS solution. Most of these derive from the solution the system picks as the best solution. SPAN systems also have a secondary best solution that derives from the GNSS solution only (BESTGNSSPOS log and BESTGNSSVEL log). The position output from these logs is at the phase center of the antenna.
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Log Format |
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