Downloading Firmware Files

To proceed with an update or possibly an upgrade, obtain the latest version of firmware by downloading the firmware file for your product from

If the receiver is an H-model, do not use the firmware available from the web site. Contact Customer Support to obtain the correct firmware.

Format of Firmware Files

All of the firmware available on the downloads website are packaged in .zip files with the following name:

  • for firmware to be installed on OEM7 receivers

  • 2XXXX for firmware to be installed on SMART2 receivers

For convenience, unzip the update file to a GNSS sub-directory (for example, C:\GNSS\LOADER). If the firmware update file is password protected, NovAtel Customer Support provides the required password.

The zip archive includes the following files:



WinLoad utility program



Instructions on how to use the WinLoad utility



Information on the changes made in the firmware since the last revision



Firmware version upgrade file, where x..x defines the product name and release (e.g., OM7MR0200RN0000.shex)


NovAtel Software License Agreement.rtf

License agreement for the firmware

NovAtel has an online video tutorial that explains firmware updating at: